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Why We Exist

                          “A nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself”                                                                                                                              Franklin Roosevelt

Unsustainable Materials damage the Soil and Oceans, two natural ecosystems that have taken millions of years to form and are now being destroyed in a flash. The world today is filled with materials that are prima facia eco-friendly. Lots of products that are not sustainable yet inevitable to use. Some people and companies are guilty of polluting the planet, even when they don’t want to. You might be one of them.           
In this world, we want to stand as a hope that the scenario can be changed. People who want to keep Soil undamaged, Oceans unpolluted, and Air clean will need a shift in their materials consumption.           
We exist, so that humanity and every other living being survives. Soil survives. Oceans survive. Harmoniously and Symbiotically. To live Guilt-free.

           Developing Planet-friendly plastics

Integrate the best resources and people for developing materials that
are eco-friendly in every way possible.

1. Serve people and industries profitably.
2. Find, train and align people to work on technical and managerial challenges.
3. Research on polymer materials and their modifications for using them tore place polluting and non-sustainable conventional materials.
4. Collaborate with organisations for the global spread of developed technologies to penetrate in every possible market.
5. Develop management models for TGP and other industries to conduct ethical, sustainable and yet profitable business.

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